GoPro Timelapse 2022 - Page 3: Art, Travel, and More

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Terminal N Timelapse, Alaska Airlines, Southwest, Asiana Air.

During a layover at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport I spent my time in the Alaska Air Sky Lounge inside Terminal N, there.

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Crossing Pensacola Bay

Crossing Pensacola Bay thru Gulf Breeze, Over Bob Sikes Bridge Pensacola Beach Dashcam Time Lapse

The Pensacola Bay 3 Mile Bridge has been under construction for what seems to be the better part of the past decade.

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Morning Express Lane

Morning Express Lane Dashcam Acworth to Buckhead & back. I-75 Northwest Corridor • Metro Atlanta

The I-75 Northwest Corridor Express lane in Metro Atlanta is just a gem to drive on. Except when slower driver camp out in the left aka passing lane.

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Greek Style Statue Head Bust

Greek Style Statue Head Bust Ink Drawing Sketching Timelapse, Ink On Paper

Statues are one of my favorite subject matters to sketch out and draw. Here we have a 9 minute time lapse of this particular Greek statue bust drawing.

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Dashcam Timelapse to Silver Falls

Dashcam Timelapse to Silver Falls State Park, Silverton Or. and back from I-5 South Wilsonville, OR.

Drive out to Silver Falls State Park in Silverton, Oregon. Lots and lots of farmland whizzing by.

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LIV GOLF - Portland

LIV GOLF - Portland Invitational 2022 Pumpkin Ridge GC - July 2, 2022 Slideshow, Portland Oregon

Five minute slide show of stills from the LIV Golf Portland Invitational 2022 at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course outside of Portland, Oregon.

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Timelapse to Pumpkin Ridge

LIV Golf Portland Invitational 2022 - Dashcam Timelapse to Pumpkin Ridge

LIV Golf Portland Invitational 2022 - Dashcam Timelapse to Pumpkin Ridge

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Portland, Oregon (PDX) Typical Afternoon Clouds

Portland, Oregon (PDX) Typical Afternoon Clouds Timelapse

Two minute video timelapse with clouds moving across the horizon filmed from my balcony in the Portland suburb of Tigard.

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Medusa Face Single Snake Inking

Medusa Face Single Snake Inking Sketch Drawing Timelapse

Lots of shading and hair work. The scales of the snake were super fun to do.

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Drive to Astoria

Drive to Astoria, Oregon Dashcam Timelapse, I-5 North, Fort Stevens Ship wreck, Oregon State Rd. 30

I drove there. Astoria, Oregon. Gorgeous drive to get there. Drove out to Fort Stevens to check out the ship wreck on the beach.

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